Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 2

This starts day 2 of my change to see how interesting I can be. My days start pretty much the same everyday - cat kisses and a dog seeking his fair share of my attention. Tonight will be my class on cake decorating working with fondant and gum paste. I have a new machine that cuts gum paste designs for cake. I am looking forward to using my skills to make special cakes from birthday's to weddings. Casssidy has decided that for her 13th birthday she wants me to make her cake to look like our race car. That will be a challenge but also fun. At least I have until April to get a little more practice before then. I got the thrill of watching 4 squirrels romp and jump around in my back yard this morning. They went from tree to tree and then chaseing each other across the yard. I wish I could have been able to get a picture of them but as soon as I opened the door they would run away. Maybe one of these days I will be able to catch a good shot. They enjoy the fact that I got my yard mowed. I enjoy listening to my wind chimes and hearing the breeze in the trees and watching the squirrels play. I also saw my first Red Brested Robin in my yard this morning looking for worms. A sure sign that summer is knocking of the door. Enough for today - time to go to work (darn). Stay tuned for the next chapter of the exciting life of Barbara.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

I'm so excited that you have found something you love doing (cake decorating). You will have to take some pictures of your creations and put them on here.