Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 6 Nothing Special

Today Jessie suggested embarrasing moments. My only problem with that is that I would need a lot of pages to write all of them; and yet maybe no room is needed-since I try to forget them. I just came from a special class on how to make fondant and gum paste from scratch. It seems that this day and age everyone is in such a hurry they don't make anything that doesn't come from a box or is for the microwave. I have so much fun taking my cake decorating classes that one of these days I will post my first cake I did for class and then as I have improved. I still have one course left to take which will be decorading with the fondant. Today's post is kind of a nothing special but yet everyday is special when you can look forward to it. I did just that this morning when I go up. First I had my class then I am going to make a practice cake using everything I have learned so far in my classes. It should really look like a sight. My biggest challenage is getting my roses to look like they are alive and fresh. So far mine look sick and ready for the garbage. One of these days I will have it done right. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I always say that everyday can be a learning experience and we are never too old to learn. I am a living example of that. Smile and enjoy today.


Jessica Gray said...

Thanks gram you enjoy today as well:)! Can't wait to see one of your cakes on here:) Love you grams!

Tammy said...

Please take a cake picture. I'll help you post it on Monday. Have fun decorating :)

Marsha said...

I too would love to see some of the cakes you have made...I did not even think you could make fondant from scratch..thought it only came in big plastic tubs! LOL